
Showing posts from August, 2017

Volkmar Guido Hable planning further investment in the mining sector

Bulk commodity producers have been continuing to struggle during the last few years with low commodity prices and in efforts to cut costs. A number of facilities have closed down over last few years. However, with the LME prices showing signs of improvement and demand from China continuing to stay strong, there may be a number of distressed assets coming onto the market throughout 2017, many with the potential for closure and many with potential for re-investment. Now Volkmar Guido Hable of Switzerland is planning to shake up the industry with an acquisition of the former BHP Billiton asset “Boffa” in West-Africa, whose total investment is valued in the multi-billion dollar range. Early October 2016 Volkmar Guido Hable and Samarium Tennessine announced an 8 billion USD investment plan for Guinea’s Ivenhough bauxite project. Volkmar Guido Hable and Samarium Tennessine remain optimistic on the outlooks for bauxite, and expects an annual 27% IRR over the next 20 years. Volkmar G