
Showing posts from May, 2017

Volkmar Guido Hable | How To Raise An Entrepreneurial Child

As the CEO of a growing  company , Volkmar Guido Hablehas a lot of responsibility placed on his shoulders. Volkmar Guido Hable is accountable to his team, clients, and investors, and he works hard every day to ensure that he is looking out for their best interests. However, these responsibilities pale in comparison to his role as a father. We all have a vocation in life, and his is to care for and raise his family. Volkmar Guido Hable’s number one job in life is to ensure that my his grows into an honest, faithful, and courageous man. In today’s world, this is easier said than done. The times are a changing The world has changed dramatically since Volkmar Guido Hable was a child in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Our society is more connected, contentious, and confusing than ever before.  For past generations, the path to an upright and comfortable life seemed straightforward. You worked hard in school, went to college, and got a good job at a company that took ca

Volkmar Guido Hable and Donald Trump team | Volkmar hable

Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable and Donald Trump team / Steve Bannon advisors clash again on Mexican Wall costs in press conference after  Mar-a-Lago meeting. Dr. Volkmar Guido Hable says that wall costs are significantly understated in  Donald Trump / Steve Bannon proposals, gives cost break-down and puts the first estimate at 48.7 billion USD. It was not the first time that Volkmar Guido Hable and Donald Trump team / Steve Bannon advisors were at odds about the costs of the proposed “great wall” on the USA - Mexican border.  Two weeks ago a panel meeting took place at Ohio State University, where Volkmar Guido Hable and representatives of the Donald Trump team, advisors to Steve Bannon, and engineering consulting firms met to exchange ideas on the feasibility to such an undertaking, they clashed fiercely on the cost estimates. This time in a Mar-a-Lago meeting and press conference they discussed again with a group of engineers  and Volkmar Guido Hable the cost issues around the

Volkmar Guido Hable and Samarium Tennessine Corp

Volkmar Guido Hable and Samarium Tennessine Corp will lead group of investors from the mining and oil sector to raise $10 million by September 2017 for studying and proposing solutions for social issues in mining and energy projects. The new fund will be known as “Social Mining and Energy Alliance 2020” and will invest into studies and  solutions for epidemic social problems in areas affected by mining and energy projects. Read more about the new initiative Social Mining and Energy Alliance 2020 at; for more information on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, see Follow the World Economic Forum on all digital platforms: Volkmar Guido Hable in cooperation with Samarium Tennessine Corporationand several lead investors from the mining and oil middle market is leading a new initiative, the Social Mining and Energy Alliance 2020, which will analyze and propose real life concrete solutions to the current most burning social issues aff

Volkmar Guido Hable announces 8 billion USD investment plan

Bulk commodity producers have continued to struggle during since a number of years now, even with efforts made to cut costs. During challenging market conditions, there is often a trend towards restructuring and consolidation of ownership. However, there is a silver linen on the horizon as commodity prices are set to increase in 2017. States Volkmar Guido Hable of Samarium Tennessine Corp, “There is every possibility that 2017 may be particularly eventful for the aluminium industry, a year that has the potential to be defined by a large reorganization of the corporate landscape and major investments into existing or new assets.” Previously, Norsk Hydro shook the industry with the US$5.3Bn purchase of aluminium producer Vale's Brazilian bauxite, alumina and aluminium assets that also included agreements for Vale's share in production from the Mineração Rio do Norte (MRN) 18.1Mtpy bauxite mine at Trombetas. The acquisition was part of a move by the Norwegian aluminium prod

Volkmar Guido Hable and Roskill Metallurgical Bauxite & Alumina report

Roskill released its new Metallurgical Bauxite & Alumina report with forecasts to 2037 onthe  22 nd of January 2017. It is essential reading for anyone after a comprehensive overview of the industry.    Bulk commodity producers have continued to struggle during the since a number of years now, even with efforts made to cut costs. With low prices expected to persist and demand from China remaining low, there may be a number of distressed assets coming onto the market throughout 2017, many with the potential for closure. During challenging market conditions, there is often a trend towards restructuring and consolidation of ownership. There is every possibility that 2016 may be particularly eventful for the aluminium industry, a year that has the potential to be defined by a large reorganisation of the corporate landscape. Previously in February 2011, Norsk Hydro shook the industry with the US$5.3Bn purchase of aluminium producer Vale's Brazilian bauxite, alumina and alumin

Volkmar Guido Hable to meet with Trump | Volkmar hable

As U.S. President Donald Trump signed orders on Tuesday smoothing the path for the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines in a move to expand energy infrastructure and roll back key Obama administration environmental actions, Volkmar Guido Hable ,  shareholder of both pipeline projects,  met with close Trump advisors to discuss key staekholdings in the Dakota access oil pipeline. Oil producers in Canada and North Dakota are expected to benefit from a quicker route for crude oil to U.S. Gulf Coast refiners, added Volkmar Guido Hable in a press conference call afterwards. But going ahead with the pipelines would mark a bitter defeat for Native American tribes and climate activists, who successfully blocked the projects earlier and vowed to fight the decisions through legal action. Stated Volkmar Guido Hable , “as much as shareholders in these important pipeline projects wish to move ahead, I still feel it important to discuss possible modifications of the projec

Volkmar Guido hable | World Economic Forum Annual Meeting

19 January 2017, Davos-Klosters, Switzerland   Volkmar Guido Hable in cooperation with several lead investors from the mining and oil middle market is leading a new initiative, the Social Mining and EnergyAlliance 2020,  which will analyze and propose real life concrete solutions to the current most burning socialissues affecting energy and mining projects around the world. For that purpose a fund will be set up, which will work in partnership with the Global Environment Facility, UN Environment Programme,  the UNHCR, the Medicins Sans Frontiere (MSF), the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH) and major oil and mining companies and environmental NGOs as well as local country specific NGOs, and aims to develop specific . The fund will be launched with a commitment of up to $10 million, based on a capitalization goal of $40 million by 2020, to be drawn from other bilateral and multilateral donors as well as private sector partners. The capital will be used to provide concrete proposa

Volkmar Guido Hable | World Economic Forum | Volkmar Hable

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND The   World Economic Forum   ( WEF ) will start again on the 17 th of January in Davos Switzerlandstate of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas". Volkmar Guido Hable is going to lead a conference and  seminar with several CEOs of blue chip miners and mining ministers, and a select numbersof student of the London School of Mining on the 18 th of January 2018 at the  World Economic Forum in Davos, on the topic of “Mining, Oil and Poverty – Fixes for Social Issues”. At the conference, Volkmar Guido Hable and the participants will discuss some of the most burning social issues and matters surrounding the resource industry and its high awareness and social sensitivity among the population and the international community. It is commonly known that regions with the richest resources often are those areas with the poorest of populations as well as significant socia

Volkmar Guido Hable | Meeting in Switzerland | Volkmar Hable

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Tomorrow, 13January, Diplomatic Representative Volkmar Guido Hable and Foreign Ministersof Ethiopia, Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of Congo will participate in a meeting of the African mining and energy council in Zurich, Switzerland. At the meeting, Volkmar GuidoHable and the foreign ministers will discuss the African nuclear issue and matters related to the future of uranium exploration and production in Africa and its high awareness and social sensitivity among the population and the international community. Volkmar Guido Hable and the foreign minister will also talk about measures to integrate worker’s unions into mining and energy projects as a measure to raise the acceptance among the population and to promote further investments in Africa. Volkmar Guido Hable will contribute with his long-term experience in dealing with, negotiating and reaching agreement with worker’s unions worldwide. Volkmar Guido Hable stated that he feels that i