Volkmar Guido Hable | World Economic Forum | Volkmar Hable

The World Economic Forum (WEF) will start again on the 17th of January in Davos Switzerlandstate of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".

Volkmar Guido Hable is going to lead a conference and  seminar with several CEOs of blue chip miners and mining ministers, and a select numbersof student of the London School of Mining on the 18th of January 2018 at the  World Economic Forum in Davos, on the topic of “Mining, Oil and Poverty – Fixes for Social Issues”.
At the conference, Volkmar Guido Hable and the participants will discuss some of the most burning social issues and matters surrounding the resource industry and its high awareness and social sensitivity among the population and the international community. It is commonly known that regions with the richest resources often are those areas with the poorest of populations as well as significant social and political unrest.
Volkmar Guido Hable added “Clearly the oil industry, the mining industry,  they all have to do much more when it comes to social responsibility in regions of mining or oil production. Social unrest is to the disadvantage of mining and oil companies, and as such we should step up and contribute to solutions, as it is clear that even in developed countries mining and oil activities seem to be directly positively correlated to social unrest and poverty. Mining and oil companies should step up to provide solutions for social development when governments cannot.”
Increasing global demand for metals and energy is putting strain on the ability of the mining industry to physically keep up with demand. Conversely, social issues including the environmental and human health consequences of mining as well as the disparity in income distribution from mining revenues are disproportionately felt at the local community level. This has created social rifts, particularly in the developing world, between affected communities and both industry and governments. Such rifts can result in a disruption of the steady supply of metals (situational scarcity). At the conference Volkmar GuidoHable and participants will discuss the importance of mining and oil in relationship to poverty, identify steps that have to be taken to create a plan for socially responsible mining and oil extraction, and then discuss the need for academia, politics and industry to work in partnership with communities, government, and industry to develop transdisciplinary solutions.

Volkmar Guido Hable and the African council of ministers on resources will also talk about measures to integrate worker’s unions into mining and energy projects as a measure to raise the acceptance among the population and to promote further investments in Africa.
The number of participants is limited to 120, no more slots are available.
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